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New Cheyenne user

PostPosted: July 13th, 2019, 7:44 am
by mw382009

I began getting into BBQ about three years ago— learned on a weber kettle of all things. I graduated to a dyna-glo vertical charcoal smoker where I really began to get the handle on making great BBQ. I now have decided to invest in a quality stick burner and ordered the Cheyenne! Really excited to start. I am very much a purist in how I cook. I love how simple but complex BBQ can be. Making my own fire and having a no frills pit is right up my alley—seems closer to the origins of BBQ. Look forward to figuring out the odds and ends of the Cheyenne! Anyone who has one, feel free to let me know any advice you might have about mods, fire management, etc!

Re: New Cheyenne user

PostPosted: July 13th, 2019, 9:51 am
by Yoder_Herb
Welcome aboard!