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Burgers and London Broil this weekend

PostPosted: June 8th, 2015, 8:59 am
by njsmoker
Hey guys,

Well this weekend we had burgers and london broil. Both times I used direct grilling. The burgers were done at 450 with grill grates. About 8 minutes on the first side and then about 3 on the ooposite. I also cooked some mushrooms and onions in a cast iron pan with olive oil and Crabby Rub. They turned out great.

As for the london broil, I fired up the YS 640 to 450 with the grill grates again. The london broil was salted a few hours prior. Then I patted it dry, rubbed it down with olive oil and Montreal seasoning. I brought it up to room temp. Went for about 8 minutes on each side and I pulled it off around 13o degrees to rest. I also sauteed another round of onions and mushrooms this time with Montreal seasoning. Tasted delicious. Pretty tender.

Re: Burgers and London Broil this weekend

PostPosted: June 8th, 2015, 11:38 am
by TcircleT
Sounds great. Extra credit for pics. ;)

Re: Burgers and London Broil this weekend

PostPosted: June 8th, 2015, 11:50 am
by MikesYS
Sounds good!!!

Re: Burgers and London Broil this weekend

PostPosted: June 8th, 2015, 12:05 pm
by njsmoker
Unfortunately, neither meal lasted long enough for pictures. My sincerest apologies guys. Just had the leftover london broil for lunch. Damn, that was good eats.