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What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2017, 5:30 am
by czcon1
So I've had my 640 almost a year now and I'm trying to figure out a good mix of pellet flavor. I use BBQr's delight pellets and buy the three bags at ATBBQ. What I was buying was two bags pecan and one cherry and mixing all three together. Well my wife said she wants more smoke so I'm going to try one of each pecan, hickory, cherry mixed together and see how that works. So I'm just curious what others use, I've read that people use a 50/50 mix of pecan, cherry.

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2017, 8:57 am
by Abe_Froman
For years I've used straight hickory sawdust in my electric smoker for sausage and salmon. And, I bought a half pallet of hickory with a couple bags of pecan to try in my YS640. If I'm not mistaken, the BBQr's Delight pellets are 2/3 oak (BTU heat), and 1/3 flavor, which produces a milder smoke flavor. Maybe Herb or another member can confirm this. So far in my YS640, I've used hickory have had results better than ever. I'll eventually try other flavors for comparison. Also, I think pecan is somewhat milder than hickory, so maybe a switch to hickory might give you what you need. I wanted a little extra smoke flavor on my first attempt at a competition pork butt, and ordered one of the A-MAZE-IN pellet smokers on Amazon. The extra smoke from the smoldering pellets was perfect. Fully loaded, it smoked for at least 4-5 hours providing great flavor, the best smoke ring I've ever produced, and the mahogany color I was looking for.

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2017, 7:39 pm
by Yoder_Herb

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2017, 8:44 pm
by Staplegun78
Hey Herb
Why can we not buy a pre mixed bag of pecan/cherry from ATBBQ?

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2017, 9:19 pm
by Yoder_Herb
The manufacturer doesn't bag them that way. I wish they would.

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 27th, 2017, 6:28 pm
by czcon1
Yoder_Herb wrote:This will help: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1365

I already read that post, I was just curious what others used.

Re: What Flavor Pellets Do You Use?

PostPosted: February 27th, 2017, 9:09 pm
by Conumdrum
I use a mix brand. Lumberjack, maybe found as Q pellets. Same company.

They have two mixes I use. One is more of a Chicken pork mix, the other is better for beef. They use Oak for heat, and use Cherry, Maple, Hickory in % to make an economical good mix.

My main reason for using them is I live in Vegas. Not a lot of options, to ship a pallet of BBQ or other pure pellet brands is silly shipping, and I have no need for a pallet. I pay $0.75 a lb buying 3+ 20 lb bags no tax. I'd love to buy and mix BBQ Delight, but outta my price range.

Pellets I use seem to be low ash, burns wonderfully (used last 3 years) and It's what I use.

Check on your price and availability. Use Google. Find distributors in your area. I did, mine is 5 minutes away for me.