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Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2016, 3:18 pm
by njenslin
Does anyone else have any issue with the angled piece inside the door, I assume designed to deflect grease, etc away from the door opening and back into the cooker, hitting their GrillGrates? I just received and installed new GrillGrates and the angled steel in the door rests on top of them. They are exactly 19.5" and slid all the way to the back. As far as I can tell, it is just barely hitting but it leaves at least a 1/8" gap in the bottom of the door. This is on a 2016 built YS640.

I am considering just grinding a 45 degree angle off of the front edge of the grates to make it clear but really wanted to see if anyone else has had this issue.


Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2016, 3:30 pm
by Yoder_Herb
This happens if you install the grill grates on top of the normal round bar grates. You need to remove the regular grates, and replace them with the grill grates.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2016, 3:33 pm
by njenslin
They are installed in place of the round grates. They sit flat on the on the grate mounts.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2016, 3:35 pm
by Yoder_Herb
The door should close OK. Feel free to remove a little metal from the grates.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: March 25th, 2017, 7:26 pm
by shrek
I had this problem as well. Slide the grill grates to the back. There is abot a 1/8-1/4 wiggle room. Enough for the door to hit if you have it touching the front wall.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: April 5th, 2017, 8:55 pm
by Firingline
I had the same issue, even with my grillgrates properly installed (not sitting on top of standard grates) and pushed all the way to the rear. I called grillgrates to make certain there was no issue with sawing the grill grates(miter saw). They said that was not a problem and the bare metal on the cut end requires no special attention. I had to cut approximately .25 inches off mine and the door now shuts completely and the grillgrates work great.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: April 27th, 2017, 6:28 pm
by gabes
That's odd. Before I ordered my grillgrates, I called grillgrates and asked if there was a particular length they recommended for the YS640. They told me to order the 19.25" sear kit, which I did and received today. There is a fairly large gap that allows them to slide front to back by as much as 3/4". A little excessive IMO. That could be a nuisance (i.e. moving around) when I am trying to move meat around.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: April 27th, 2017, 8:49 pm
by Conumdrum
Picky... It's not a Internet Toaster or a micrometer. It wiggles. What happened to the meat smokers of the past? Deal with it. It wiggles. I have had my YS 640 and have Grill Grates since 3.5 years ago. My god 3/4" movement and not a perfect movement with perfect wine and friends. By as much as 3/4"! That ruins the meal for sure.

I bet you "if you owned a mechanical scale or micrometer you would find it under 1/2".

It's not Yoders fault, it's GrillGrates made by another company.

Stuff wiggles. Drink more wine.


Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: May 1st, 2017, 9:14 pm
by gabes
Conumdrum wrote:Picky... It's not a Internet Toaster or a micrometer. It wiggles. What happened to the meat smokers of the past? Deal with it. It wiggles. I have had my YS 640 and have Grill Grates since 3.5 years ago. My god 3/4" movement and not a perfect movement with perfect wine and friends. By as much as 3/4"! That ruins the meal for sure.

I bet you "if you owned a mechanical scale or micrometer you would find it under 1/2".

It's not Yoders fault, it's GrillGrates made by another company.

Stuff wiggles. Drink more wine.

Settle down there, snappy.

In a phone conversation today with Joey from Yoder, he agreed that 19 1/4" is a little on the short side. He said that if I buy directly from allthingsbbq, the size they'll send me is 19 1/2", which they special-order from Grillgrates. If grates are bought directly from Grillgrates like I did, they'll recommend and send you the 19 1/4"...this size appears to be a general pre-cut size they stock. Grillgrates is accepting my return of the 19 1/4" and I'll order the 19 1/2" through allthingsbbq.

All is good. Hopefully you don't lose sleep over my decision to go with grates that are 1/4" longer.

Re: Angled lip on door hits GrillGrates

PostPosted: April 16th, 2019, 5:15 am
by SquawkJs
They are installed in place of the round grates. They sit flat on the on the grate mounts.